Bruce G. Allen

Professeur accrédité


Institut de cardiologie de Montréal
Centre de recherche. local S-3526
5000, rue Bélanger
Montréal (Québec)
H1T 1C8

T 514 376-3330, poste 3591(bureau)
T 514 376-3330, poste 3592 (laboratoire)
F 514 376-1355
Site web


  • Pharmacologie moléculaire
  • Protéomique
  • Signalisation cellulaire

Le laboratoire du Dr Allen s’intéresse à comprendre, dans le cœur adulte : (i) la fonction et
les partenaires de signalisation des récepteurs à l’endothéline et β-adrénergiques localisés sur la membrane nucléaire, ainsi que (ii) le rôle de la voie des p38 MAP kinases dans la réponse hyper-


GPCR signaling in the nuclear envelope

  • Boivin, B., Chevalier, D., Villeneuve, L.R., Rousseau, E., and Allen, B.G. (2003) Functional endothelin receptors are present on nuclei in cardiac ventricular myocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 29153-29163.
  • Boivin, B., Lavoie, C., Vaniotis, G., Baragli, A., Villeneuve, L.R., Ethier, N., Trieu, P., Allen, B.G., and Hébert, T.E. (2006) Functional b-adrenergic receptor signalling on nuclear membranes in adult rat and mouse ventricular cardiomyocytes. Cardiovasc. Res. 71, 69-78.
  • Boivin, B., Vanoitis, G., Allen, B.G., and Hébert, T. (2008) G protein-coupled receptors in and on the cell nucleus: a new signalling paradigm? J. Rec Sig. Trans. 28, 15-28.
  • Tadevosyan, A., Maguy, A., Villeneuve, L.R., Babin, J., Bonnefoy, A., Allen, B.G., and Nattel S. (2010) A Potential role for nuclear-delimited signaling via nuclear-envelope angiotensin receptors in the control of cardiac gene expression. J. Biol. Chem. 285, 22338-22349.
  • Vaniotis, G., Del Duca, D., Trou, P., Rohlicek, C.V., Hébert, T.E., and Allen, B.G. (2011) Regulation of gene expression by b-adrenergic receptors on the nuclear envelope. Cell. Signal. 23, 89-98.

p38 MAP kinase signaling in the heart

  • Chevalier, D. and Allen, B.G. (2000) Two distinct forms of MAPKAP kinase-2 in adult cardiac ventricular myocytes. Biochemistry 39, 6145-6156.
  • Dingar, D., Benoit, M.J., Mamarbachi, A.M., Villeneuve, L.R., Gillis, M.A., Grandy, S., Gaestel, M., Fiset, C., and Allen, B.G. (2010) Characterization of the expression and regulation of MK5 in the murine ventricular myocardium. Cell. Signal. 22, 1063-1075.
  • Moïse, N., Dingar, D., Mamarbachi, A.M., Villeneuve, L.R., Farhat, N., Gaestel, M., Khairallah, M., and Allen, B.G. (2010) Characterization of a novel MK3 splice variant in heart. Cell. Signal. 22, 1502-1512.
  • Dingar, D., Merlen, C., Grandy, S., Gillis, M.A., Villeneuve, L.R., Mamarbachi, A.M., Fiset, C., and Allen, B.G. (2010) Expression and localization of p38 MAP kinase isoforms in the mouse heart. Cell. Signal. 22, 1634-1644.